Featured Presenter: Brenny Kummer
My name is Brenny Kummer and I am the Coordinator of Instructional Technology for Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation in Columbus, Indiana. With Universal Design for Learning serving as the district instructional framework in her home district, I have a passion for Universal Design for Learning, inclusion, and accessibility. I have experience hosting UDL visitors as a classroom teacher and speaking about UDL at the state, national, and international level (BCSC UDL events, CAST-UDL events, COSN, ISTE, UDL-IRN Great Lakes, and the UDL-IRN International Summit). Prior to my role in technology, I taught social studies at the secondary level in a full-inclusion classroom (of students with significant, intensive needs). I have a Master’s in Educational Technology from the University of Arkansas and received the award of 2021 Arkansas Educational Technology student of the year.
Read more at: https://sites.google.com/bcsc.k12.in.us/fresh-teacher-tech/about?authuser=0